Tuesday 5 August 2008

462 days

Tuesday 2 August

Day maximum: 28,0 points

Day´s Bonuspoints used/saved: 39,0/11,0

Week´s Bonuspoints needed/saved (including activity points) : 12,0/64,5
Day´s excercise - cycling : 60 minutes Activity points: 4,0

(REQUIRED 6) water/tea: 5
REQUIRED 3) vegetables: 2
(REQUIRED 2) fruit: 2
(REQUIRED 2) fat: 2
(REQUIRED 2) calcium: 2


A new guest in my house

Today I go and pick up my 5 week old Agapornis, or as they are known in English "Lovebird". he still has to be fed by hand for a week or two, three. But that will make it easier to make him quite tame. I have no clue if it is a boy or a girl, so I have been thinking about a name:


This is the site photograph where I found her/him. I will post my own photograph soon.


11,0 points
2,0 - 2 rye bread
2,0 - 10 gr. herb butter
3,0 - 500 ml curd
2,0 - 2 tbs honey

9,0 points
9,0 - small ready meal with tortelini, ricotta spinach and aubergine

9,0 points
1,0 - 75 gr. marinated chicken
6,0 - french fries
0,0 - beansprouts, onion, grlic
2, 0 - mayonaise

10,0 points
2,0 - small kinder chocolate bar
8,0 - 2 treacle cookies


Sayre said...

How cute! My husband has fallen in love with my stepson's Sun Conyer and has been lobbying to adopt it as my stepson is looking to get rid of it. It's a very personable bird, but apparently spends a lot of its time screeching. Since that would drive me CRAZY, I've had to put my foot down and say no to this one. I'd much rather have my fish.

Of course, we also have four cats and a dog...

Ali Molenaar said...

Zooooo, ik heb wat gemist geloof ik. Toch weer een vogel???

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