Tuesday 9 June 2009

763 WW & 273 FF days - Determination and Motivation

Off days - what to do about them?

Frankly, I have no clue. I was reading merry Mary's blog yesterday. The topics were determination and motivation. The question for me is how are these two interlinked, or are they. Mary was having a bad day, motivation non existant, out to lunch, and still on hindsight as I read the comments to her post today again, she had a good day excercise and caloriewise. How, by sheer deteremination, the will to do what is good and healthy at that moment, despite the lack of motivation. Now how would this work, for me that is?

Motivation: the reason or reasons behind one’s actions or behaviour
Determination: firmness of purpose; resolutenesss.

Motivation exists because there is a goal, an end result. Motivation is linked with that end result, it is fed by the promise of something highly desireable. And as such it is when we loose faith in the possibillity of that end result, however desireable, i.e. whenever I stop believing that is is possible to lose 190 lbs in weight, and feel that nothing will ever really change, motivation evaporates, ceases to exist. Why motivate myself for something impossible?

Determination is the strength to go beyond what our bodies, minds, mood, energy level, friends and foe tell us. It is sometimes sheer pig headedness. To hang on without a clue why, may be even a clear purpose? And this is part of the key why determination does work when motivation has ceased to be effective. I think determination does not focus on the end result. At the bare minimum it just focuses on the action, the here, the now; to keep running, keep reading, keep caring. Because if we would focus on the end result, the goal, given the state our mind, our heart is in, for instance, a formidable or even an all time low, we WOULD just stop!

Today I have an off day energy wise. I had 6 hours of blissful sleep, but made the mistake of hitting the snooze button about 8 times between 5 and 6 AM. Not a good idea. My legs were like lead. In the end I did just 20 minutes cross training and some 10 minutes kinetic wall. I may go and swim this afternoon after work. It was determination which mmade me even get on the cross trainer, coupled to the coaxing of my training buddy, Margreet. Without her, and a good dose of determination, I WOULD have stayed in bed.

I wonder how you see this determination/motivation cunundrum?


Ron said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, you are more than welcome to add me to your list. I will be checking in on you now too if you don't mind

Pandora Woman said...

Hi Ron! By all means add me. I will be snooping around your blog when I have time!

dutchmarbel said...

With an offday I usually try to turn it a bit around by making an effort to look good (cloths, make-up, etc.). It is easier to stay on the right path when you feel you deserve it.

If all fails, I try to sleep as much as possible and keep myself busy with things that take up all my concentration. But that is only the weightwatching, haven't found a cure for kicking my butt to a sportshall yet.

Pandora Woman said...


Wy not tag along with me some day? I still have a free pass for my own fitness school. Would be nice to meet you!



Sayre said...

Some days there's a reason for the lack of energy. Take care of yourself, drink lots of water, eat well and sleep as much as you can. Sometimes it's a sign that you need a small (very small) break.

Just don't let that small break last too long!

dutchmarbel said...

But you're in The Hague and I'm in Haarlem, with a puppydog and three small boys ;)
I do play basketball though, so I'll have to be back in a reasonable shape in September.

I also want to try the Wii fit that my husband gave me for my birthday, so I'm not without resources. I just prefer teamsport, where I am oblidged to come and where my sense of competition prevents slacking of.

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