Wednesday, 27 August 2008

483 WW & 24 F days, A lifetime job, this being healthy!

Day maximum: 27,0 points
Bonuspoints used/saved/week's total saved: 8,5/0,0 /86,0
water/tea: 0
vegetables: 0
fruit: 2
fat: 1
(REQUIRED 2) calcium: 0


Weigh in today, fitness in the afternoon.

This keeping/getting healthy thing is keeping me busy, phew. You would think after a year and a half that thinks have gotten easier, more matter of fact. Some having enough fruit and vegetables. I am very much aware that food intake is not about AND, AND, AND, but about choices, not always wise ones, but choices none the less. You cannot have your cake AND eat it all.

But other things just will not "stick" This water thing for instance. There are times I feel like a camel. And I swear at times I feel like throwing up if I have one more drop of water. On the days that I fitness it is easy. I drink 2 liters of water just during my training alone. As for being/getting healthy, I cannot say I am loathing the work I put in it. I really I can't! But at the same time is does not mean I am constantly vigilant as to what I eat and do. It cannot be a 24 hour a day job. I do have other things to do! Like earn a living?

With my Fitness First pass I can go to any FF club in the world I want, and they have 500. This afternoon though I will go to the all ladies FF club accross from my usual haunt, just to have a look see. It looked a lot less busy when I cycled past last afternoon.

Soon I will be employing a personal trainer to help me be more effective in my training regime. But lets face it, I may not dislike my cardio work out, but I do want to lose my sweat as effectively as possible.

As for my weigh in results, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.............


8,5 points
2,0 - 5 rye matzes
4,0 - cheesespread
2,5 - chocolate craquotte (light product)

0,0 points
0,0 - here
0,0 - here

0,0 points
0,0 - here
0,0 - here

0,0 points
0,0 - mixed fresh fruit

1 comment:

Sayre said...

I can't remember if I commented on this post or not... my brain is so out of it today!

You are doing a terrific job of getting the exercise done! You are being MY inspiration today.

Thanks for the nod in your WLTIPs article. I'm not feeling terribly inspirational at the moment, but I do have my days!

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