Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Day 90 - 16 Charms & 7 Spacers

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1,0 points
1,0 p - 2,0 dl yoghurt (0%)
0,0 p - 200 gr. (strawberries, blueberries)

5,0 points

2,5 p - 2 rye bread
0,5 p - 10 gr. Linera (25%)
1,0 p - 10 gr. goatscheese
1,0 p - 2 slices sausage
2 water

5,0 points

2,0 p - Green salad & 100 gr. Smoked salmon
0,5 p - 2 WASA craquottes
1,0 p - 20 gr. Cheese spread light
2 water

18,0 points

6,5 p - McChicken (half a bun, no mayo)
5,0 p - small fries
6,5 p - Sundea with nuts and caramel
0,0 p - large coke light

0,0 points

1 water

Day maximum: 29,0 points
7 water (00:00 PM), 3 vegetable, 2 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium
1. Total bonuspoints used/saved: 29,0/0,0
2. Bonuspoints needed/saved: 0,0/18,0
3. Exercise total: 581 minutes/10 minutes cycling
***SUMMARY: Water OK; Points needed 0,00, Extra excercise: 2.5 uur lifting, dragging, unpacking boxes: 14 points***

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