Friday, 17 August 2007

Day 107 - 18 Charms & 9 Spacers

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Next Charm: 61.7 lbs weight loss

6,0 points
3,0 p - 3 dl Caramelcustard
0,0 p - 200 gr. strawberries
3,0 p - 1 WASA Sandwich
1 water

5,0 points

0,0 p - Cucumbersalad
1,5 p - Salad Dressing
0,0 p - 8 prunes
3,5 p - Brocolli soup
3 water

8,5 points

4,0 p - 4 bread
3,5 p - 100 gr. zalm
1,0 p - 1 tbs Yoghonaise

0,0 p - Chinese cabbage, tomatoe, onion
4 water

4,0 points

2, 0 p - 2 dl chocolatemilk light
1, 0 p - 1 dl coconutmilk
1,0 p - 80 gr. banana
2 water

Day maximum: 28,0 points
9 water (00:00 PM), 3 vegetable, 2 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium
1. Total bonuspoints used/saved: 23,5/4,0
2. Bonuspoints needed/saved: 0,0/5,5
3. Exercise total: 806 minutes/15 minutes cycling (next spacer: 920)
***SUMMARY: Water OK; Points needed 0; Extra excercise: ***

Exercise schedule for thursday august 16th to wednesday 22nd

Thur 16 August 2 x 15 minutes (10 min 12.5 m/h & 5 min 15.5 m/h) --> 30 minutes --> 830 minutes DONE
Fri 17 August 2 x 15 minutes (10 min 12.5 m/h & 5 min 15.5 m/h) --> 30 minutes --> 860 minutes 15 mins DONE
Sat 18 August 2 x 15 minutes + 2 x 10 minutes (10 min 12.5 m/h & 5 min 15.5 m/h)--> 50 minutes --> 910 minutes
Sun 19 August 2 x 15 minutes + 2 x 10 minutes (10 min 12.5 m/h & 5 min 15.5 m/h)--> 50 minutes --> 960 minutes
Mon 20 August 2 x 15 minutes (10 min 12.5 m/h & 5 min 15.5 m/h) --> 30 minutes --> 990 minutes
Tue 21 August 2 x 15 minutes (10 min 12.5 m/h & 5 min 15.5 m/h) --> 30 minutes --> 1020 minutes
Wed 22 August 2 x 15 minutes (10 min 12.5 m/h & 5 min 15.5 m/h) --> 30 minutes --> 1050 minutes

Total for the week: 250 minutes
Total achieved for the week: 45 minutes

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