Monday, 13 August 2007

Day 102 - 18 Charms & 8 spacers

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Another birthday, two in one weekend is kind of an onslaught for me. Today I went to my brother's. And it was very kind my sister in law did take care that she had enough roughage, a lovely fruitsalad. And everything for dinner was DIY. Which meant it is much easier for me to calculate what I am eating.
All in all over the whole weekend I did use all my point saved for a week, and will have to be a very good girl the remainder of this week to make up for my birthday splashes. But no problem there. I can do that.
3,0 points
3,0 p - Wasa Sandwhich
1 water

3,0 points

3,0 p - Verkade Cheese cracker
1 water

14,00 points

0,0 p - 100 gr. lettuce
4,5 p - 3 Rye buns
3,0 p - 1 currant bun
0,5 p - 10 gr. linera (8%)
1, 0 p - 4 slices of chicken
3,0 p - 2 slice of bacon
1, 0 p - 1 slice of ham
1, 0 p - 1o gr. cream cheese
1 water

14,5 points

3, 0 p - 3 cs dip sauce
2,0 p - Hand of Cashew nuts
3,0 p - 8 crackers
2,0 p - Hand of partynuts
3,0 p - 1 clice of cake
1,5 p - 1 tbls whipped cream
0,0 p - 200 gr. fruitsalade
3 water

Day maximum: 28,0 points
6 water (00:00 PM), 3 vegetable, 2 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium
1. Total bonuspoints used/saved: 34,50/-6,5
2. Bonuspoints needed/saved: 16,0/6,75
3. Exercise total: 741 minutes/15 minutes cycling
***SUMMARY: Water OK; Points needed 9,25; extra excercise: 60 minutes walking***

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