Sunday, 25 November 2007

Day 206 - 22 Charms & 13 Spacers

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Next Charm 92.6 lbs

0,0 points

0,0 p - 2 apples
1 water

0,0 points

3 tea

12,0 points
12,0 p - Curry (WW)
2 water

16,0 points
7,5 p - 50 gr. beernuts
3,5 p - sweet almond cake (banketstaaf)
5,0 p - crisps and sundry items
4 water


Day maximum: 28,0 points +4 points (exercise 4,5p)
11 water/tea 23:30 PM), 3 vegetable, 2 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium
1. Total bonuspoints used/saved:28,0/0,0
2. Bonuspoints needed/saved:0,5/0,5
3. Exercise total: 1772 minutes/30 min cycling (next spacer 1820 minutes)

***SUMMARY: water OK; Points needed 0,0; Extra excercise: 30 mins***

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