Thursday, 28 February 2008

Day 309 (WeigtGAIN 1.3 lbs)

Thursday 28 february Summary

Day maximum: 27,0 points

Day´s Bonuspoints used/saved: 20,0/4,0
Week´s Bonuspoints needed/saved:0,0/4,0
Day´s excercise: 100 minutes

(REQUIRED 6) water/tea: 5
REQUIRED 3) vegetables:3
(REQUIRED 2) fruit: 2
(REQUIRED 2) fat: 2
(REQUIRED 2) calcium:2

(T0tal weightloss 70,1 lbs)
Next Pandora charm at 92.6 lbs
(Total exercise: 2490 minutes) Next Pandora spacer at 2570 min
Pandora bracelets (2): 22 Charms & 12 Spacers

(my UNIQUE Pandora reward system, read about it here and here)

Goal 4: 1st centennial - loose 100 lbs/45 kg

An upward struggle, but getting somewhere. Because in the midst gaining some weight and nasty family matters I find I am aware that I AM an emotional eater and try to contain it. Additionally I have also grasped by now.....*laughs* after the odd 8 months........ that when I am tired I tend to console myself with food.

In part I feel this is because it is easier to buy some chocolates and wipped cream, or donuts and milk, or crisps and dip, as no great amount of work is involved in preparing and eating. Just rip open the package and EAT! But also because sweets stuff foremost quenches the diabolical need for bloodsugar. Very probably my bs levels are at an all time low by then, not taking enough time to eat and replenish them to a normal level, they drop and drop and drop, making me tired and sugar crazed!

Today I did not give in. eof walking into the shop and realizing it would be next to impossible to withstand all the sweet stuff, I went home and worked with what I had in the fridge and cupboards. And I had a stir fry with brown rice, fish and vegetables. Now how does that sound? I was content, happy and very proud of myself!

6,0 points
4,0 - 200 gr. cottage cheese
0,0 - 100 gr. mango
1,0 - 2 tbs dried fruit
1,0 - 1 tbs Maltsyrup

0,5 points
0,5 - 1o0 gr. curd 0%
0,0 - 100 gr. pineapple, mango etc.

Diner 9,5 points
1,0 - 1 cs sesame oil
0,0 - onion, gralic, mushrooms
3,0 - surimi, shrimp (unlimited)
3, 0 - 150 gr brown rice
2,5 - 45 gr. chhese 20 %

4,0 points
4,0 - 40 gr. crisps


Nona said...

Sounds very good my dear. I too am an emotional eater and I agree with everything you've said. Glad you won the battle this time.

Sayre said...

I think emotional eating is much harder to deal with than simply over eating and under exercising. Kind of like trying to quit smoking or drinking - there's a much bigger component to it than merely having a drink every once in a while. The trouble with that kind of eating is that you can't just quit eating! That's what makes this so difficult - and what makes you so much stronger for your efforts. You have had great success in losing weight against some pretty tough odds. Continue doing what you KNOW to be the right thing for you and you will continue to be successful in your quest.

Good job, Willow!

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