Day maximum: 27,0 points
Day´s Bonuspoints used/saved: 5,5/0,0
Day´s excercise: 0 minutes
(REQUIRED 6) water/tea: 2
REQUIRED 3) vegetables:0
(REQUIRED 2) fruit: 2
(REQUIRED 2) fat: 0
(REQUIRED 2) calcium:1
(T0tal weightloss 70,1 lbs) Next Pandora charm at 92.6 lbs
(Total exercise: 2490 minutes) Next Pandora spacer at 2570 min
Pandora bracelets (2): 22 Charms & 12 Spacers
(my UNIQUE Pandora reward system, read about it here and here)
Goal 4: 1st centennial - loose 100 lbs/45 k

Thank you all for asking after me, wondering about me, worrying about me! No, I am still here, I am still sticking to my healthy lifestyle and still loosing weight. Small little lumps of fat are dissolving still. I would wish it to go fatster, don't we all!
Sticking to the healthy eating regime is not necessarily harder, but more challenging *grins* - which of cours is the same-. At the moment my social obligations AND my work sort of gobble me up.
- Less time in planning ahead
- Less time in shopping
- Less time to actually sit down and eat
- Less time to refelect on what it is I am doing
- Less time to exercise
As I write this down I realise that none of this is very good. I am the one causing it, I am the one in charge of it! And I am the one who should do something about it!
A -smaller- list of remedies.
- Work no more than 40 hours
- Do NOT stuff my calender with social things, makes conscious choices
- Take time to lunch at work!
And of course the top one is the most rewarding one, the bottom one the hardest one to stick to. I tend to work like a diesel engine and just keep on puffing and puffing. And the result, I make mistakes. Last week a HUGE mistake! Biggest one in my career. And it still affects me, as I think it affects my company too. Oh no losses in income or that kind of thing, just a dent in their reputation. And I hate that fact, the fact that it was me who caused it; THAT is just not me. Anyways, the damage has been contained, and everything is on the right track again.
But it does teach me, I cannot keep on working, and working and expect to have no adverse effect at some point.
Healthwise I drink too little, and the effect................BLOCKAGE. I think we all know THAT problem. It has been overcome this time as well, but any worse and I was in serious SSSSSH...........*laughs* never mind, You know what I mean. Hence, I now have a 2 liter can on my desk wich I dustifully fill every morning, and do my utmost to empty it by the end of the day. At the office there is a 1 liter container on my desk, which I also attempt to empty.
WW and HW
As you see, every day is one for realisation, My meanderings along Weight Watcher AND Health Watcher land are still continueing. I have reset some of the goals for this year, as I have only know gotten back to the weight I was before christmas. The Aodd 18 lbs/8 Kg I gained over the holiday moth was a price I had to pay for dearly. This week I hope to get closer still to the 286 lbs/130 Kg mark, by next week I wish to break through it! As things stand I will be able to make it into the two digit mark by the end of this year (218 lbs/99 kg). A challenging goal worth some 2,2 lbs/0.5 kg a week.
Oh yes, and I am rereading Dr. Phil AGAIN.......................
Any other books worth reading on Healthy living and thinking? Not really about loosing weight, that one to me is a side effect! Just leave me a comment.
5,5 points
3,0 - Muesli
1,5- skimmed milk
1,0 - 1 tbs raisins
0,0 points
Diner 0,0 points
0,0 points
0,0 - 1 apple, 2 tangerines
Hey meid,
Blij dat ik iets zie van je zat me eigen toch weer zorgen te maken om je. Denk je een beetje meer om jezelf ??????? Jij sta op nummer 1,
Doe rustig aan bel of mail je van de week.
Dikke kus Tracey xxx
Sorry to hear about your challenging time at work Willow. I agree that we must make time to take care of ourselves.
I like your list of remedies. Think they are sound guidelines. It's important to remember what's important.
My honey and I are on vacation in Tunisia and I'm trying to stay on track and remember that eating is not the only way to enjoy a culture. When I get back to London I want to have had a great time without bringing any extra kilos/pounds with me.
HI!!!! **waves from over here** Glad you're still on the planet and still losing that weight!
I have read a ton of books and you know - not a one jumps out in front. I've been busy unpacking my boxes and boxes of books though (half a garge full!) and if I see one and it sparks something, I'll let you know.
Slow down, girl! I have been where you are - and it's not good to spend that much time at work. My boss is ORDERING me to take a vacation this summer. See? I have to take my own advice!
Good to see you posting again :)
I miss you, I hope you are fine. You are a very nice person, and I appreciate your positive example.
Loooking good and still making progress!
Not only do we need a March picture, you're gonna have to come up with April pretty darned soon too! Where are you, girl? How are you doing?
I seriously hope you're not sustaining the animals with your corpse until someone comes to check on you....
There is so much to this life. It's hard to keep it all straight, whatever that is. You are doing well. You are learning from all your experiences and becoming better for it. Keep it up.
Geen updates meer? Nog steeds veel te druk? Bel je dit weekend
It's been nearly a month since we heard from you - everything okay? Or have you drowned in a vat of chocolate?
Willow, if I had your telephone number I would call you. WHAT IS GOING ON?
I hope it is simply that you are so busy having a wonderful life that you have no time to blog.
I hope also that you are staying on track and making progress. I would like to see a March photo and read an April post ... PLEASE!!!!
Are you still alive? Check in soon :}
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