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Next Charm 69.5 lbs
CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH
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Next Charm 69.5 lbs
I added an RSS feed to my Blog. So if you are interested to receive my blogs through your RSS reader, by all means click the orange icon on the left
Never worked with RSS? No problem let me explain. RSS can best be seen as your own personal news or factsheet, but then one who fills itself automatically with the content you desire. To enable this, you add the RSS enabled website (the orange icon or XML icon features on it) to a reader (like Bloglines), and you are set. When you log in to your RSS reader, it will show you for every site what pages have been added.
Who benefits from this? People like me, who like to keep an eye on a multitude ogf blogs related to weightloss efforts. EXTREMELY HANDY AND EFFICIENT; no unnecessary surfing. Of course you can choose to do this for news sites, movie sites, recipe sites. Some advanced RSS enabled sites like CCN, will give you a choice WHAT news you wish to add, local, world, latests, spotrts etc.
So click the icon and it will lead You to a page asking you to identify the blog reader you use, in my case blog lines. Then it will give you the login page to your RSS reader, when you log in, and press subsribe you are DONE! If you do not have an RSS reader, applying for one takes 3 minutes, and is free and extremely easy.
Additionally I have been looking at the phenomenon BMI. First how does the formula work?
(weight (lbs) / [height (in)2] x 703
"As a measure, BMI became popular during the early 1980s as obesity started to become a discernible issue in prosperous Western society. BMI provided a simple numeric measure of a person's "fatness" or "thinness", allowing health professionals to discuss over- and under-weight problems more objectively with their patients. However, BMI has become controversial because many people, including physicians, have come to rely on its apparent numerical "authority" for medical diagnosis – but that has never been the BMI's purpose. It is meant to be used as a simple means of classifying sedentary (physically inactive) individuals with an average body composition.[1] For these individuals, the current value settings are as follows: a BMI of 18.5 to 25 may indicate optimal weight; a BMI lower than 18.5 suggests the person is underweight while a number above 25 may indicate the person is overweight; a BMI below 17.5 may indicate the person has anorexia or a related disorder; a number above 30 suggests the person is obese (over 40, morbidly obese).(Source: Wikipedia)
I made a reference list for myself in Excel. My target is to go below BMI 40 by new year. An ambitious target, but I plan on making it! I will succesfully do so by making Milestone 4 set for 20 december 2007.BMI - Weight
385,0 - 52,2
376,0 - 51,0
369,0 - 50,0
361,0 -49,0
354,0 - 48,0
347,0 - 47,1
339,0 - 46,0
332,0 - 45,0
325,0 - 44,1
317,0 - 43,0
310,0 - 42,0
302,0 - 41,0
295,0 - 40,0
294,0 - 39,9
1,0 points
1, 0 p - 2 dl vanille yoghurt
0,0 p - sweetner
2 water
7,5 points
2,0 p - 2 rye bread
4,0 p - 60 gr. cheese
0,5 p - 10 gr. Linera (8%)
1,0 p - 2 slices meatloaf (WW)
0,0 p - mustard
2 water
9,5 points (3 portions - each 7,5)
6,0 p - herb mix (knorr)
4,0 p - 250 gr. pasta (unlimited quantity)
4,5 p - 125 ml. s light cream
8,0 p - 200 gr. chicken minced meat
0,0 p - mushrooms
2,0 p - 4 tbs baconbits
2 water
6,0 points
2,0 p - 1 banan a
2,0 p - 2 dl coconut milk
2,0 p - 2 dl chocolate milk light
5 water
Day maximum: 28,0 points
8 water (09:00 PM), 3 vegetable, 2 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium
1. Total bonuspoints used/saved:24,0/4,0
2. Bonuspoints needed/saved: 2,0/11,0
3. Exercise total: 1092 minutes/15 minutes cycling (next spacer 1220 minutes)
***SUMMARY: Water OK; Points needed 0,0; Extra excercise: -***
Hey Pandora Woman, you are doing really well. I love that you use your blog to record your daily food intake. I do the same on my blog. It's really helpful for me. I have a real problem drinking water, I notice you write yours in with every meal. I think I will do the same. It might help me to drink more.
oooh. nice to meet you! Please come back when I have done my translating later today!
AnD I will be reading your blog ASAP. Mind if I add you to my links list?
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