Saturday, 30 June 2007

Day 59 - 14 Charms

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Vandaag is de verjaardag van mijn zus en haar jongste kind. Ik heb heel veel zin om er naar toe te gaan. Maar twijfel ook. Ik zal wel zien hoe mijn been zich houdt.

Ik doe het vanochtend zo rustig mogelijk met eten, een sandwich en smoothie voor ontbijt en een salade voor de lunch. Op die manier heb ik nog aardig wat punten over. Ik zal wel zien of ik mijn "spaarpunten" moet gebruiken.

OK, ben terug! Op zich ging het wel. Mijn voet is niet echt happy met al dat zitten en lopen, maar eenmaal thuis had ik niet echt lang rust nodig om van het branderige gevoel af te komen.

Maar goed dit blog gaat over eten. Ik heb me wel goed gehouden. 3 bonbons, vier crackers, en 's avonds een kopje soep en VIJF boterhammen. Ik had behoorlijke honger. Dat is eigenlijk al de hele week zo. Raar, is voor het eerst in 8 weken dat ik honger heb. Maar het brood hielp wel. En omdat ik al bonbons op had en een stukje appelkruimelvlaai, heb ik geen ijs gegeten.

De bonbons zit me een beetje dwars. Ik had me voorgenomen, gebak, een paar toatjes en geen toetjes met room. Bonbons stonden niet in het plaatje, maar ja de bonbons waren zo lekker! Ik heb er in ieder geval van genoten. En al met al heeft het me maar een kleine 5 points gekost. Heel netjes moet ik zeggen.

Heb wel gesmokkeld met mijn armband. Ik heb alle bedels eraan gedaan, gewoon om te dragen en te kijken of het mooi stond, en dat staat het! Heb nu netjes zoals het hoort de bedels die ik nog niet verdiend heb teruggelegd in de la.

Ik ga morgen de trimfiets een plekje geven zodat ik van de week, als mijn voet goed genoeg voelt kan beginnen met mijn bewegingsprogramma. Dan kan ik de tussenbedels gaan verdienen.

Nu ja, slaaptijd voor mij. Ik ben erg moe na vandaag.

Smoothies (2 x 2 dl)
2,0 points
1,0 p - 2,0 dl skimmed yoghurt
0,0 p - 200 gr. fruit
1,0 p - 2 dl optimel yoghurt raspberry
1 glass of water

3,0 points

3,0 p - 1 WASA sandwich

5,00 points (1/2) Pizza (zelfgemaakt)

0,0 p - green salad, paksoi, cucumber, tomato
5,0 p - 120 gr. salmon
1 glasses of water

14,5 points

5,0 p - 5 slices of rye bread
2,0 p - 20 gr. margarine
1,5 p - 1 white bun
0,5 p - 10 gr. veal
2,0 p - 20 gr. tunasalad
1,0 p - 10 gr. salmonsalade
2,5 p - 30 gr. goats cheese

9,0 points

2,0 p - small piece of applecake
4,5 p - 3 leonidas chocolates
1,5 p - 5 canapes
1,0 p - 10 gr. goats cheese
0,0 p - 1 bakje fruitbowl (vers)
2 glasses of water

29,0 points: 8 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 2 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total : 33,5 pointsused - 4,5 bonuspointsused
2. Week total: 0,25 bonuspointsaved - 2,5 bonuspointsused = 2,25 Bonuspointsused

Friday, 29 June 2007

Day 58 - 14 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

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Today i will take some time to add UK/US weight measurements to my blogs. I am getting complaints that people cannot figure out How much I have lost. and that would defeat the obeject of this blog!

I am well on my way to drink my water for the day, and yesterday I drank my 8 glasses.

Smoothies (2 x 2 dl)
2,0 points
1,0 p - 2,0 dl low fat yoghurt
0,0 p - 200 gr. fruit
1,0 p - 2 dl optimel yoghurt raspberries
0,0 p - sugar replacement
1 glass of water

6,0 points

3,0 p - 3 slices of rye bread
1,0 p - 10 gr. sausage (WW)
0,5 p - 10 gr. cream cheese light
2,0 p - 30 gr. 30+ cheese
0,5 p - 10 gr. linera (25% fast)
0,0 p - mustard
2 glasses of water

7,75 points (1/2) Pizza (homemade)

10,0 p - Pizzabase
2,0 p - 4 slices of salami (WW)
3,5 p - 50 gr. 30+ cheese
0,0 p - tomatopuree, onion, peppers, garlic
1 glass of water

6,0 points

5,0 p - 120 gr. salmon
1,0 p - Green salad 2 cs mayonaise light
1 glass of water

7,0 points

6,0 p - 3 candybar (ww)
1,0 p - 10 gr. rice pringles
4 glasses of water

29 points: 8 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 2 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Dag totaal : 28,75 pointsused - 0,25 bonuspointsaved
2. Week totaal: 0,25 bonuspointsaved

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Day 57 - 13 Charms (weightloss: 2.2 Lb or 1 kg)

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One Kilo, yes! Another One! It is going well. In total I have no lost 16,4 kilo's in 8 weeks, something to be proud of!

The coming week i am going to be extra attentive to my wtare intake, as it has been rubbish the past few weeks. I have to do better, as i think i am not losing weight optimally. This means that my dayly water intake ate the end of the day MUST be 8 glasses.

Have been to the doctor today. He is optimistic, and pleased with the improvement, but did warn me i should keep a close eye on the foot. He told me I should not walk bare foot in the house! I have been doing so for 43 years, and now I should start wearing slippers? I will never get used to that. I doubt I will actually.

Today I am having left over sushi for lunch, so again I will be guessing. And for the first time in weeks, well eight weeks at the end of the day I had a craving for sweet things, and since I had 4 points still left, I indulged. I had two WW candybars.

Smoothies (2 x 2 dl)
4,5 points
2,5 p - 2,5 dl. chocolate milk light
1,0 p - 90 gr. banana
1,0 p - 2 dl optimel yoghurt kiwi

5,0 points

3,0 p - 3 slices rye bread
1,0 p - 20 gr. sausage (WW)
0,5 p - 10 gr. cream cheese light
0,5 p - 10 gr. linera (25% fast)

9,0 points

6,0 p - 6 sushi
1,0 p - 1 cs soya
2,0 p - 1 frusi

6,5 points

3,0 p - iceberg lettuce curry soep
2,5 p - 150 grilled chicken
1,0 p - 1 cs peanutsauce
0,0 p - 2 tomatoes

0,0 points

4,0 p - 2 candybars (WW)

29 points: 3 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 2 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total : 29,0 pointsused
2. Week total:

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Day 56 - 13 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

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Today is weighingday. So tomorrow you will hear all about the result. today was a quiet day, my leg is still on the mend. After the weighing I still had 16,5 points left as well as 11,75 saved. I had sushi and tempura, but NO IDEA how many points that is. And I could not find it either in the books. But I am quite sure 27,75 points is enough to cover it.

It is rice (4 points) some cucumber, ginger, aubergine, peppers, (0,0 points) terriyaki beef, en pork's meat, avocado, tona, salmon, crab (estimated 8 points), and some soy sauce ( 1 point). Total is 13 points.

Smoothies (2 x 2 dl)
5,5 points
1,5 p - 3 dl. optimel yoghurt
0,0 p - kiwi, strawberries
3,0 p - 3 dl. chocolatemilk light
1,0 p - 90 gr. banana

5,0 points

3,0 p - 3 slices rye bread
0,5 p - 10 gr. sausage (WW)
0,5 p - 10 gr. cream cheese light
0,5 p - 10 gr. chicken (WW)
0,5 p - 10 gr. linera (25% fast)

6,0 points

0,0 p - 200 gr. tomatoes
0,0 p - 50 gr. cellery sticks
1,0 p - 50 gr. crabmeat
0,0 p - 2 cs tomato ketchup
2,0 p - 2 cs mayonaise
3,0 p - 1 WASA Sandwich

13,0 points

13,0 p - tempura, terriyaki, sushi en yakitori
0,00 p - coca cola light

0,0 points


29 points: 4 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 2 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Dag totaal : 29,5 pointsused - 0,5 bonuspointsused
2. Week totaal: 11,75 bonuspointsaved - 0,5 bonuspointsused = 11,25 bonuspointsused (will go to zero at start of new week tomorrow)

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Day 55 - 13 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

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As most of you know by now I started my weightloss programme about 7 weeks ago through weight watchers. To keep myself from seeking rewards in FOOD, I purchsed a pandora bracelet ( on sale: the bracelet for free when you buy 5 beads).

Instead of rewarding myself with cake, fried food, snacks, soda's, I reward myself with a Pandora Charm for every 3.5 kilo's I lose in weight. And it works! You have no idea how rewarding the bracelet is to me. Not only does it look well, and every charm has a special meaning to me, but the weight of it reminds me of my goal whenever i reach for something which i should not. I am aware of it when I do my shopping, when I prepare food, or when I eat it. It is like a constant guardian angel, a kind of talisman.

When I lost 10% of the total amount I want to lose I rewarded myself with a silver and gold charm (silver ball with golden crown, nr. 201). And every 10% i will do the same.

Last friday i went to town and bought 4 charms, of which I could put two on my bracelet as I lost 8 kilos in the past two weeks. The other two are in my desk drawer burning a whole in my mind, as I would so much like to put them on (it is a blue and green murano glass bead - nr. 902 - and a silver ice crstal bead - nr. 258 -! It stimulates me to adopt and maintain my healthy eating habits.

Yesterday I bought 10 spacer charms on ebay, and I still have 4 which I bought earlier. I will award them to myself, one for every hour I spend on my training bike. I can build up the hour in several days, but if I take a day of rest, I start from scratch again. I will start on July 2nd with my training programme, as I hope to be 100% well again.

When I have lost half of the total amount (FORTY kilo's) I promised myself another Pandora bracelet - as I think the first one will be quite filled- or a Pandora necklace.

Weight Loss Resolutions
1. every 3,5 kilo; a silver charm
2. every 8 kilo; a gold and silver charm
3. every hour on my hometrainer; a spacer, hour can build up in several days, a day of rest, I start from scratch
4. at 40 kilo; a new bracelet or necklace
**********************************************************************************My first target is to bring my weight down to below 150 kilo by october 1. However I think I may have to think about that date again, as I need to lose only 7,2 kilo in 13 weeks. That is CERTAINLY possible.

What do I need to do? Apart from having a very well filled wallet, to stick to my healthy food regime in such a way that it will make me lose weight now, and later when I have reached my target keep me healthy and active. All in all I find that healthy eating is starting to be a habit for me, and every day routine that needs liuttle to no thought. Now all I need to do is drink my 2 liters of water a day!

Boy, is that hard!

Oh yes, here is a picture of my bracelet now.

Smoothies (2 x 2 dl)
2,0 points
1,0 p - 2 dl. optimel soft curd
1,0 p - 2 dl. optimel yoghurt
0,0 p - kiwi, strawberries

9,0 points

4,0 p - 4 slices rye bread
0,5 p - 10 gr. linera
2,0 p - 40 gr. sausage (WW)
2,0 p - 1 frusi
0,5 p - 15 gr. chicken (WW)

8,0 points

0,0 p - 200 gr. tomatoes
0,0 p - 50 gr. cellery sticks
6,0 p - 150 gr. meat loaf chicken
2,0 p - 2 cs mayonaise

9,0 points

3,0 p - 3 cs olive oil
0,0 p - 200 gr. mushrooms
0,0 p - 200 gr. tomato
3,0 p - 150 gr. chicken
3,0 p - 1 WASA sandwich

0,0 points

1,0 p - 1 WW Candybar

29 points: 4 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 3 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Dag total : 29,0 pointsused - 0,0 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 11,75 bonuspointsaved

Monday, 25 June 2007

Day 54 - 13 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

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Smoothies (2 x 2 dl)
2,5 points
1,0 p - 2 dl. optimel soft curd
1,0 p - 2 dl. optimel yoghurt
0,5 p - 45 gr. banana

7,25 points

4,00 p - 60 gr. Special K red berries
3,25 p - 2,5 ml skimmed milk

8,0 points

0,0 p - 0,5 head of Paksoy
0,0 p - 1 red pepper
0,0 p - 1 tomatoe
1,0 p - 40 gr. ham (WW)
1,0 p - 2 cs mayonaise light
0,0 p - 1 cs sweet sour sauce
6,0 p - 150 gr. minced meat chicken

4,5 points

1,0 p - 50 gr. crabmeat
2,5 p - 30 gr. tortellini
2,0 p - 2 cs sesame oil
0,0 p - 100 gr. celerysticks

5,0 points

1,5 p - 1 coconutbar WW
4,0 p - 2 frusi
29 points: 4 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 3 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total : 27,25 pointsused - 2,75 bonuspointused
2. Week total: 11,75 bonuspointsaved + 2,75 bonuspointused = 14,50 bonuspointsaved

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Day 53 - 13 Charms

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4,0 points
3,0 p - 3 dl. chocolate milk light
1,0 p - 45 gr. banana

7,5 points

3,0 p - 3 slices rye bread
2,0 p - 4 slices bologny (WW)
0,5 p - 10 gr. linera margerine 25%
2,0 p - 1 frusi

5,0 points

0,0 p - 0,5 head of Paksoy
0,0 p - 1 red pepper
0,0 p - 1 tomatoe
1,0 p - 40 gr. ham (WW)
1,0 p - 2 cs mayonaise light
0,0 p - 1 cs sweet sour sauce
3,0 p - 1 WASA sandwich

8,0 points

4,0 p - 150 gr. Minced meat (chicken)
2,0 p - 2 slices rye bread
0,0 p - onion, tomatoe, cucumber
1,0 p - 1 cs mayonaise
0,5 p - 10 gr. peanutsauce
0,0 p - 1 cs ketchup
0,5 p - 0,5 egg

1,5 points

1,5 p -1 coconutbar (WW)
29 points: 8 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 3 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total : 26,5 pointsused - 2,5 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 11,75 bonuspointsaved + 2,5 bonuspointsaved = 14,25 bonuspointsaved

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Day 52 - 13 Charms

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Another day, and I must admit the routine of eating breakfast is getting to be just that, a routine. No longer do I consciously have to remind myself to have breakfast. in fact my stomach usually reminds me. Not eating after 8 PM means that by the time I wake up, I am truly hungry. I find I start my day more energised, happier and provided I sleep well enough amd never tired.

An additional advantage to healthy dieting is the condition of my hair. It is fantastic. It shines, has bounce, and every day is like a "good hair" day. I really look healthy and good.

My leg and foot hurt only marginally. But I do think I overdid it yesterday. As a result my foot feels very "tight", as if there is not enough skin to move around much. So I will be taking it easy in the days to come, just like the docter said.

A queite day, and at the end of it I am in trouble! I have not been able to consume all my Points. I had a lovely dinner, and even a rather large desert, but still have 7 points left. Even if I have a some cookies i will never make it. *grins* well I'll find a solution.

1,25 points
0,75 p - 1.5 dl. optimel yoghurt
0,25 p - 0.5 dl. soft curd
0,00 p - 25 gr. strawberries
0,25 p - 25 gr. banana

4,75 points

1,0 p - 3 slice rye bread
1,0 p - 2 slices of sausage (WW)
0,25 p - 10 gr. creamed cheese (Linera)
0,5 p - 10 gr. linera margerine 25%
2,0 p - 1 frusi

4,0 points

0,0 p - Tomatoe & cucumbersalade
4,0 p - 2 boiled eggs

6,5 points

2,5 p - 120 gr. chicken
1,5 p - 30 gr. peanut saus
1,5 p - 150 gr. potato puree
0,0 p - 100 gr. red peppers
1,0 p - 2 cs sweet sour sauce

2,5 points

1,5 p - 3 dl chocolatecustard (optimel)
1,0 p - 1 banana

29 points: 8 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 3 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total : 25,0 pointsused - 4,0 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 3,75 bonuspointsaved + 4,0 bonuspointsaved

Friday, 22 June 2007

Day 51 - 13 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

Well, I am back! My left foot and leg propped up on a chair, and the pain now no more than a sort of tight feeling or an irritating itch, I am going to continue my blog again.

How did I do meanwhile, Willowishesless-wise? Well, not too bad, though the past two weeks started with not eating at all, i picked up the routine again on thursday last week, as my blog will show. I have not lapsed into horrible eating binges at all. Firstly because the shopping I have managed to do in the meanwhile was only healthy food, secondly because I did not feel like doing so. On the whole I did not do to bad.

As my Blog will show, I lost 8,2 kilo's or 18lb and 1oz in the last two weeks! This is a very happy weightloss, eventhough the price was high. Fighting the infection in my left leg drained a lot of energy from my body. Hence the enormous weightloss. As such I was entitled to two new Pandora charms. I bought the ones below, as well as an extra treat; 4 dividers. The bracelet is really taking shape!! I am very proud of it.

My total weightloss is now 15.4 Kg or 33lb and 14 3/4oz. Which is a LOT. I am very happy with it! I can see the diffrence in my face, notice the difference in my clothes. And once I get rid of this stupid bug. I am sure I will feel it in my walk as well. I am still going strong!. Thank You for all who read this.

I would love to see a comment from you, just to see how many follow my day to day struggle. To comment CLICK HERE

Charms bought:

Smoothies (2 x 2 dl)
1,25 points
0,75 p - 1.5 dl. optimel yoghurt
0,25 p - 0.5 dl. soft curd
0,00 p - 25 gr. strawberries
0,25 p - 25 gr. banana

4,75 points

1,0 p - 3 slice rye bread
1,0 p - 2 slices of sausage (WW)
0,25 p - 10 gr. creamed cheese (Linera)
0,5 p - 10 gr. linera margerine 25%
2,0 p - 1 frusi

2,0 points

2,0 p - Currysoep

14,75 points

4,0 p - 240 gr. grilled Tilapi (fish)
1,0 p - 1 cs olive oil
2,0 p - 2 cs mayonaise
1,25 p - 15 gr. goatscheese
6,5 p - 50 gr. bacon bits
0,0 p - 200 gr. cucumber,tomato
1,0 p - 20 gr. sweet sour sauce

1,0 points (to USE)

1,0 p - 1 cappuchino
1,5 p - 1 coconut snack bar (WW)
29 points: 8 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 3 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total : 25,25 pointsused - 3,75 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 3,75 bonuspointsaved

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Day 43 to 50 - 12 Charms (weightloss 18 Lb or 8.2 Kg)

These will be posted when I have time. Due to a three week illness these days were posted in the dutch blog, but not yet in this english one.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Day 42 - 12 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

This blog was initially only available in dutch, but I have received requests to write it in english as well. So as of today the WilloWishesLess Blog also exists in english. I will translate the 15 days past which are now only available in dutch as I go along. In a week or two this english blog will be as complete as the dutch one.


Today is WW day, but I already called a fellow Weight Watcher's Colleague, to tell that I really won't eb able to make it. As for eating? It is now 4 o'clock and I have not eaten anything. I just can't. I hope the pain subsides soon, it is driving me mad.

The pain swelling and redness seems to have subsided minutely. It is a relief as I at least see something is happening for the better. I did manage to eat something as well. I try to keep it as healthy as possible. The use of butter above margerin was a conscious choice, an attempt to get some calories in me.

All Day
7,5 points

0,0 p - 200 gr. mushrooms
4,0 p - 40 gr. butter
2,0 p - 2 slices of rye bread
1,0 p - 200 ml optimel Yoghurt
0,0 p - 0,5 tomatoe
1,5 p - 6 walnuts

3 glasses water, 2,5 vegetable - 0 fruit, 2 fat,1 calcium

1. Day total: 7.5,0 pointsused - 4,0 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 20,0 bonuspointsaved + 4,0 bonuspointsaved = 24,0 bonuspointsaved (will be reset to 0 tomorrow)

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Day 41 - 12 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

This blog was initially only available in dutch, but I have received requests to write it in english as well. So as of today the WilloWishesLess Blog also exists in english. I will translate the 15 days past which are now only available in dutch as I go along. In a week or two this english blog will be as complete as the dutch one.


Today its is ABSOLUTELY NOT better, eating is a chore in general. The pain of my swollen left lower leg is very annoying (and that is an understatement). And except for sleeping and a feeble attempt to eat I do nothing else. I have no idea how it affects my weightloss, but I cannot eat much. However below you will find an honest account of what I DID eat. As you see, it is a mess.

3,5 points
0,5 p - 1 dl. optimel yoghurt
0,5 p - 1 dl. optimel soft curd
0,0 p - 100 gr. raspberry/strawberrie
2,0 p - 2 dl chocolate milk light
0,5 p - 45 gr banana

All Day
10,5 points

3,0 p - 0,5 slice of rye bread
0,25 p - 5 gr. linera 25%
0,0 p - 50 gr. strawberries
4,0 p - 4 kl sugar
1,25 p - 0,5 bag crackerjacks
5 glasses water, 0 vegetable - 2,0 fruit, 0,5 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total: 14,0 pointsused - 4,0 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 12,0 bonuspointsaved + 4,0 bonuspointsaved = 16,0 bonuspointsaved

Monday, 11 June 2007

Day 40 - 12 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

This blog was initially only available in dutch, but I have received requests to write it in english as well. So as of today the WilloWishesLess Blog also exists in english. I will translate the 15 days past which are now only available in dutch as I go along. In a week or two this english blog will be as complete as the dutch one.


As you will notice, I will blog my planned meals for breakfast and lunch in the morning before work, de rest of my day will be blogged after work, or maybe intermittantly during my lunchbreak. As of today I have decided I will specify my water intake in my meal planning, hoping this will help as this part of my eating regime "sux" as the Americans say.

As you can see I did not consume all my points. The reason is a simple one, during the day I started to feel so very bad, that by the time I came home, I fell into bed, experiencing fevered dreams. I was up about 10 times during the evening and night. Not sure wat is going on. All day I have been incredible cold, and my stomach feels as if it completely empty despite the fact that i did eat something all day

1,0 points
0,5 p - 1 dl. optimel yoghurt
0,5 p - 1 dl. optimel soft curd
0,0 p - 100 gr. raspberries/strawberries

6,0 points

3,0 p - 3 slices rye bread
1,0 p - 10 gr. linera 25%
1,0 p -20 gr. pate (WW)
0,5 p - 1 plak bologny sausage(WW)
0,5 p - 1 plak meatloaf (WW)
0,0 p - 2 tommatoes
2 glazen water

7,5 points

4,5 p - 0,5 salad AH with Shrimp and Pasta
3,0 p - 1 WASA sandwich

7,0 points

5,0 p - 150 gr. poached fish
2,0 p - 2 olive oil
0,0 p - 100 gr. tomotoe

0,0 points


? glasses water, 3 vegetable - 3 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total: 21,5 pointsused - 4,0 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 8,0 bonuspointsaved + 4,0 bonuspointsaved = 12,0 bonuspointsaved

Sunday, 10 June 2007

Day 39 - 12 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

This blog was initially only available in dutch, but I have received requests to write it in english as well. So as of today the WilloWishesLess Blog also exists in english. I will translate the 15 days past which are now only available in dutch as I go along. In a week or two this english blog will be as complete as the dutch one.


The Last day of my holiday. And should you ask me if I feel happy about how I spent my time eating away? I want to say "no", but my rational tells me I should say "yes". I know I will have lost weight next week, and the overal total for the two weeks will be a weight loss, so why do I wish to say "no"? Maybe because at the end of the day yesterday, I did not eat enough, and had a candybar and WASA cracker to compensate. That feels so weird, as it were "it goes against the grain".

And so as I blogged yesterday, it will be good to go back to work. Two weeks is a decent amount of time to have a holiday, but work is fun too, a challenge! And I will get back to my usual routine, YAY!

Like yesterday, I will have salmon, this time grilled, and some steamed vegetables.

I made something for coffee at the office tomorrow, to celebrate my birthday. it's WW and i hope it is palatable. Had to taste it of course!

Smoothies (2 x 2 dl)
3,0 points
2,0 p - 2 dl. optimel yoghurt
1,0 p - 1 dl. optimel soft curd
0,0 p - 100 gr. raspberries/strawberries

2,0 points

2,0 p - frusi

7,5 points

4,5 p - 0,5 Meal salad AH with sweet and sour shrimp
3,0 p - WASA Sandwich

9,0 points

4,0 p - 120 gr. samon (grilled)
4,0 p - 200 gr. rice
0,0 p - steamed vegetables
1,0 p - 1 cs sesame oil

6,0 points

2,0 p - 1 WW chocolate candybar
4,0 p - chocolate cake
6 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 3 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total: 25,5 pointsused - 4,0 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 4,0 bonuspointsaved + 4,0 bonuspointsaved = 8,0 bonuspointsaved

Saturday, 9 June 2007

Day 38 - 12 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

This blog was initially only available in dutch, but I have received requests to write it in english as well. So as of today the WilloWishesLess Blog also exists in english. I will translate the 15 days past which are now only available in dutch as I go along. In a week or two this english blog will be as complete as the dutch one.


I have someone staying over, so breakfast I will shar with someone.Dinner I have planned woth salmon and steamed vegetables, so that leaves some room during the day. I'll report soon!

I went into town today, something which gets easier and easier for me. My feet and hip are very grateful for the kilo's I have shedded. Did some groceries for a cake I want to make for monday at work, my birthday treat. I also boght some asian cooking items (such as fishsauce and soy sauce)

On the way when I felt peckish I opened a small bag of crackerjacks. All is well!

1,0 points
1,0 p - 2 dl. optimel yoghurt
0,0 p - 100 gr. strawberries/raspberries

7,5 points

5,0 p - 5 slices rye bread
1,0 p - 20 gr. pate (WW)
1,0 p - 1 slice of meat loaf (WW)
0,5 p - 10 gr. linera margerine 25%
0,0 p - 2 tomatoes

8,0 points

4,0 p - 120 gr. Salmon
0,0 p - 200 gr. Fennel
4,0 p - 200 gr. rice
0,0 p - 250 gr. cucumber

9,5 points

2,5 p - 1 small bag of Cracker Jacks
1,0 p - 4 walnuts
2,0 p - WW chocolate candy bar
3,0 p - WASA sandwich

4 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 3 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total: 26,00 pointsused - 4 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 2 bonuspointsaved + 4 bonuspointsaved = 6 bonuspointsaved

Friday, 8 June 2007

Day 37 - 12 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

This blog was initially only available in dutch, but I have received requests to write it in english as well. So as of today the WilloWishesLess Blog also exists in english. I will translate the 15 days past which are now only available in dutch as I go along. In a week or two this english blog will be as complete as the dutch one.


Friday, my last day of the two week holiday. Monday I start work again, and with it, I find, eating healthy is easier. With a ridgid structure like a working day, it is easier to structure my food intake. breakfast BEFORE work, Dinner AFTER work, and lunch during the break that my two colleagues help remind me off. Because very often if they did not, I would just plod along, and NOT eat.

Yesterday was an extremely busy day. I spent time with two friends, and subsequently ate out for lunch and dinner; had pizza as well. BUT because I planned ahead it was possible to do so. I had the waitress cut the pizza in half and then [ut the slices in the freezer when I get home. Now if I feel lik pizza for dinner all I need do is plonk it in the oven, et voila. A quarter piece of pizza is 7 points.

Yesterday I did my shopping as well, and I must admit without any effort, and actully without any thought of the food items I had better not buy, I purchased a health set of food items. Mind you it is true, eating healthy is more expensive. As a friend of me said it is cheaper to buy a pie, then to buy fruit aand veg these days. But then I would probably eat the pie in one go *grins* the fruit and veg lasts much longer.

Today I will spend time on the last cleaning efforts in my house before the weekend. Additionally I will do some plant care, it is very much needed!

Breakfast is already served, and I found out that slices of bread are not just 1 point, some slices I take out of the freezer are close to 2 points a slice. Ridiculous!

Note: tonight is Musketets Night! Ali, Margreet and Me (the three musketettes) will just sit and veg, watch movies and have heaps of fun. Mind you the two ladies will have worked all day, so nothing to strenuous, probably waatch some moevies. I will prepare some food, probably finger food, stuff to eat while we sit on the couch.

I was thinking lots of vegetables and some dips, a salad, and some chicken. During the day somethings will crystallize I am sure.

Well, Ali cancelled, but fortunatley I had not started dinner, neither had I had my lunch yet. SO it will be dinner for two; Currysoup, Cheesepasta and chocilate banana smoothie.

1,0 points
0,5 p - 1 dl. optimel yoghurt
0,5 p - 1 dl. skimmed milk
0,0 p - 100 gr. raspberries

4,5 points

1,0 p - 4 slice rye bread
1,0 p - 20 gr. sliced chicken (WW)
1,0 p - 2 slices of sausage (WW)
1,0 p - 1 slice of meatloaf (WW)
0,5 p - 10 gr. linera margerine 25%

3,0 points

1,0 p - 200 dl. Optimel Soft Curd
0,0 p - 250 gr. Strawberries
2,0 p - WW Candybar

16,5 points

3,0 p - Currysoep
2,0 p - 6 bacon bisquits
8,5 p - Cheesepasta
3,0 p - banana/chocolate smoothie

2,0 points (to USE)

1,0 p - 3 bacon bisquits
1,0 p - 1 cs berbal dipsauce

4 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 3 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total : 27,00 pointsused - 3 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 3,0 bonuspointsaved

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Day 36 - 12 Charms (weightGAIN 14 oz or 400 gr)

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

This blog was initially only available in dutch, but I have received requests to write it in english as well. So as of today the WilloWishesLess Blog also exists in english. I will translate the 15 days past which are now only available in dutch as I go along. In a week or two this english blog will be as complete as the dutch one.


Well, I was not really surprised. The past week was messy, to say the least. All in all it proves that messing around with my plans for the day is NOT a good thing. It shows me I should stick to what I plan to eat much more, And NEVER skip a meal. Also as I told a friend yesterday, drinking the 8 glasses of water a day is possibly even harder then sticking to healthy eating.

SO as of this morning all is back to normal, next week there will be no weightgain again. And I realised something, as my weight has gone down, so should my daily allowed intake of points go down.......with ONE; now I am on 30.

As for the dieting strategy. I have talked to two friends of mine yesterday, and have asked them if they would accept being my official Mental Coaches. They both accepted. They are Micheal and Tracey.

Micheal is a friend I met on line, he stayed at my place for a week or two and we got to know each other and like eachother. Michael knows first hand what it is to deal with addiction, and has kicked a habit for I think 7 years now. Also he is a lovely man who will not hesitate to give me an abundance of compliments or tell me off if I stray. He can be foun on the net dayly, and will read my blog almost dayly.

Of my friends in the "real world" I have chosen Tracey. Tracey is a friend of a friend really, who I have gotten to know a little bit better through time. She has been very supportive throughout the first month of this first month, and I think has enough "distance" to me to be able to tell me off when I stray.

From now on I will refer to them as MCM (Micheal) and MCT (Tracey). You can find Michael and any comments he has on this site (english) and Tracey on the dutch WilloWishesLess Blog.

On the whole dieting did not go very well for most of the people at the WW club yesterday. And Sandra was missing altogether. I will give her a ring this week, just to check in.

Tonight I have dinner with Joke, a very good friend of mine. I planned half of my favorite pizza, the other half I will bring home and freeze.

1,0 points
0,5 p - 1 dl. optimel yoghurt
0,5 p - 1 dl. skimmed milk
0,0 p - 100 gr. raspberries

3,5 points

1,0 p - 3 slice rye bread
1,0 p - 20 gr. sliced chicken (WW)
1,0 p - 10 gr. cheese spread (48+)
0,5 p - 10 gr. linera margerine 25%
0,0 p - 1 red pepper

9,5 points

2,0 p - 2 slices white bread
5,0 p - 5 slices of carpaccio
1,5 p - 1 ts pinenuts
1,0 p - 1 cs nutdressing

17,0 points

14,0 p - 0,5 Pizza with salami and gorgonzola
1,0 p - 2 pieces of french bread
1,5 p - 8 gr. garlic butter

0,0 points

0,0 p - 200 gr. melon

4 glasses water, 3 vegetable - 3 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total : 30,00 pointsused
2. Week total: 0,0 bonuspointsaved

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Day 35 - 12 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

This blog was initially only available in dutch, but I have received requests to write it in english as well. So as of today the WilloWishesLess Blog also exists in english. I will translate the 15 days past which are now only available in dutch as I go along. In a week or two this english blog will be as complete as the dutch one.


Weighing day! And I don't think I have lost much weight. My birthday may have thrown a spanner in the works.

Yesterday I bought another birthday bead for my Pandora bracelet. I had received some money from my parents for a birthday gift. So I bought the June Bead, my birthday month. It is a silver tuliplike bead, with a small pearl dangling from it.

Like a good little trooper I had my breakfast this morning. A rather large one as I am just plain and simple hungry. Oh yes, I have something new in the freezer. It is called Frusi, and combines muesli, frozen yoghurt and fruit. If you use a normal spoon, you can empty it in four, so I am using a teaspoon, that way it will last longer.

Well the day didn't go to well, I have had no dinner, as i will be weiging soon and I had breakfast and lunch very late (read 11 and 3 o'clock). I will not do that again. Skipping a meal, or eating a meal at the wrong time throws my dieting system completely out of wack. And the result I did not eat dinner, and tried to compensate by eating WW healthy snack. I had too little water, too little vegetables, in short NOT GOOD.

1,5 points
1,0 p - 2 dl. optimel yoghurt
0,5 p - 1 l. optimel Soft Curd Cheese
0,0 p - 100 gr. strawberries

8,25 points

1,0 p - 1 slice rye bread
2,0 p - 2 crackers (was)
0,5 p - 20 gr. sliced chicken (WW)
2,5 p - 30 gr. soft goatscheese
0,25 p - 5 gr. linera margerine 25%
2,0 p - 1 frusi

5,0 points

2,0 p - 2 slices rye bread
2,0 p - 2 boiled eggs
0,0 p - 2 tomatoes/lettuce
1,0 p - 1 cs (coffespoon) mayonaise

0,0 points


8,5 points

1,5 p - bag WW crisps
4,0 p - 2 WW candybar
3,0 p - 9 savory bisquits (TUC)

2 glasses water, 1 vegetable - 2 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium

1. Day total : 22,75 pointsused - 4,0 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 1,0 bonuspointsaved - 4,0 bonuspointsaved = 5,0 bonuspointsaved (weektotal will go to 0 tomorrow)

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Day 34 - 11 Charms

CLICK HERE to read my Blog in DUTCH

Morning has started, and I have already finished breakfast. After the "Party"days, the normal rythmn of things is back again

I went out shopping today, and must have passed Burger King at least four times. I must say, it wa hard this time. But I was strong and bought a small bottle of coke zero instead and went home. There I had a lovely goatscheese salad, and was very proud of myself.

I did not eat enough today, not by a long stretch, but I was highly active today. I geuss by now it is sort of an ingrained misconception or wish. Whenever I eat something wrong, I stop eating afterwards to compensate. After all these years of dieting, I know it does not help one bit. In fact the hunger grows and the need for unhealthy food even more. This week has not been easy, and I am glad the irregular "party" week is over. I am looking forward to tomorrow, weighing day!

Another feature added to this blog: I will publish my photopgraps every 4 weeks. A bit scary, I am not that photogenic, or mad about my own photographs.

0,0 points
0,0 p - 3 dl. dubbelfris light
0,0 p - 50 gr. raspberries
0,0 p - 50 gr. strawberries

5,5 points

2,0 p - 2 slices rye bread
1,0 p - 20 gram salami (WW)
2,0 p - 20 gr. goatscheese
0,5 p - 15 gr. linera margerine 25%

4,0 points

2,0 p - 2 slices rye bread
3,0 p - 3 cs margarine
0,0 p - 200 gr. mushrooms
0,0 p - 2 tomatoes/lettuce

7,0 points

Large green salad
5,0 p - 60 gr. goatscheese
1,0 p - 50 gr. boiled potatoes
1,0 p - 1 cs yoghonaise

4,0 points

4,0 p - 4 chocolate truffels
0,0 p - 0,5 l. Coca Cola zero
6 glazen water, 3 vetables - 2 fruit, 2 fayt, 2 calcium

1. Day total : 20,5 pointsused - 4,0 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 3,0 bonuspointsaved - 4,0 bonuspointsaved = 1,0 bonuspointsaved

Monday, 4 June 2007

Day 33 - 11 Charms


Vandaag een lastige dag om mijn eten te plannen. Ik ga bij mijn ouders lunchen, en uit eten met een vriend. Maar ik hoop inmiddels zoveel te weten van WW dat ik ook kan plannen "gaandeweg"

Ik neem in ieder geval ipv gebak voor mijn verjaardag bonsbons mee. Die zijn veel kleiner, en beter te beheersen dan een groot stuk gebak. Denk ik.............

Deze week is een lastige dag, en ik verwacht niet veel van mijn afval resultaten. Maar dit houdt niet in dat ik nu maar wat doe. *grinnik* behalve de bonbons dan. Gezellig zittend in de schitterende tuin van mijn ouders, genietend van de zon en het gezelschap heb ik er toch 4 gegeten. Maar zoals je ziet was de rest van de dag een WW succes. Alleen, hoeveel reken je nu voor sushi? Het is voor het grootste gedeelte rijst, met een klein beetje vulling. Ik heb maar 7 neergepoot. ik wist het echt niet.

Gisteren heeft fred een fotoreportage van mij gemaakt. Ik heb hem gevraagd dat elke 4 weken te doen. En zal deze toevoegen aan deze blog. De bedoeling is dat de lezers het verschil gaan zien. Wederom een moeilijke opgave voor mij; ik hou niet zo van foto's van mezelf. Maar in de lijn van deze blog is het visuele voor mezelf, het "zien" dat ik afval, belangrijk voor me. Ik hoor wel van jullie, de lezers, of jullie het een goed/leuk idee vinden.

Gisteren was een eel erg gezellige dag, hoewel ik moet toegeven dat de reactie van mijn ouders op mijn lijnpogingen een beetje "lauw" was. Het was moeilijk voor me om daar mee om te gaan. Het leek wel of mijn moeder niet goed wist wat ze nu weer moest zeggen op de zoveelste lijnpoging. Voor mij kwam dat als een beetje een domper. Ik had mezelf er teveel van voor gesteld denk ik. Ik had 4 weken lang er niets over gezegd, hopende dat ze iets zouden merken. Dat was niet zo. *grinnik* Nou ja!!

Maar gaande weg hadden we het er toch over, en ik hoop dat mijn ouders ook mijn blog lezen zo nu en dan. Voor mijzelf is het therapie, een openbaring soms. En nu ik mijn echte gewicht erop heb gezet een soort kleine "bevrijding".

Goed, tijd om de dag af te sluiten. Slaap ze!

1,0 points
0,5 p - 1 dl Optimel Yoghurt fruits of the forest
0,0 p - 50 gr. raspberries
0,5 p - 100 gr optimel vanilla flavord soft curd and peaches

6,5 points

2,0 p - 2 slices of rye bread
2,0 p - 40 gram balony (WW)
2,0 p - 20 gr. goats cheese
0,5 p - 15 gr. linera margerine 25%

8,0 points

4,0 p - 4 bruine boterhammen
2,0 p - 15 gr. butter
1,0 p - 10 gr. goats cream cheese
0,5 p - 10 gr. cream cheese and herbs 20+
0,5 p - 15 gr. roast beef
0,0 p - 1 tomatoe

7,0 points

7,0 p - Sushi
0,0 p - 4 cola light

8,0 points

8,0 p - 8 chocolates
6 glasses of water, 3 vegetables - 2 fruit, 2 fat, 2 calcium, 1 x *

1. Dag total : 30,5 pointsused - 0,5 bonuspointsaved
2. Week total: 3,5 bonuspointstosave - 0,5 bonuspointsaved = 3,0 bonuspointstosave

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